Sunday, December 9, 2007

Mavericks - Opening Day

1 comment:

heliotrope said...

Mat...macrokelp! one of my favorite only see it up your way. As usual, beautiful pix. You might remember I had a nice map showing the sea-bed contour around Mavericks up on Sunspots...can't think if it's still there or not.

Anyway, life is good...really and truly alreet!...things have seemed to finally turn a corner for me and Jules...still having to pay out exorbitant amounts o' dough for Cobra for Miss J...but it's all good...she's got health coverage and that's all that matters!

Life is indeed a mysterious and beautiful thing...I traveled into the labyrinth and found my way out again...which makes me want to dance. Kind of Theseus-esque...I even had an amazing dream the other night with a labyrinth and a bunch of Cranes flying across a full the myth of Theseus,the labyrinth,
and the Minotour, Theseus goes into the labyrinth, kills the Minotour, finds his way out with Ariadne's thread, goes to the neighboring island of Delos, and dances! A Crane dance no less...a sign of good things to come.

peace, Mark