Sunday, November 25, 2007


The sixth highest waterfall in the United States.
GORP - National Recreation Trails - Feather Falls

Water plunges 640 feet over a sheer granite cliff to the canyon floor in its rush to meet the Middle Fork of the Feather River and Lake Oroville.

The Feather Falls National Recreation Trail, a challenging self-guided trail (2,500 foot elevation gain) will take you to beautiful Feather Falls.

1 comment:

heliotrope said...

WOW!!! Beautiful beauty. I wanted to go to Feather River College when I was in high school...clearly it would have been a great place to go. I love these photos Mat...really made my day. Thanks...hope you're doing well. I'm working with social workers in the children's court here...scares me to death! Talk about responsibility! I hope I'm up to's work that's got heart...that makes me happy...but I've got a lot to learn...a lot!
love to you Matty Grrr