Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fat crescent moon shining in a crystalline LA night sky
Stars so bright it's difficult to tell where the horizon ends and the lights of the Hollywood Hills begin
A warm Santa Ana wind bends hundred foot tall palms earthward, their fronds plummeting down like samurai sword hail stones
The sounds that can only come from a church carnival in the air
Children laughing with glee and screaming in mock terror while riding the zipper or the flying bus
Mariachi music and amateur christian singers
Smiling faces
Everywhere smiling faces
Beautiful smiling faces
And those of my friends, my brothers, the most beautiful of all

1 comment:

heliotrope said...

Hey Mat...thanks again for your generosity of spirit this last weekend. It me good. Been more than a little bummed out (as you know) and it was good to break my shame spiral for a bit. Get any good fire pics on your way home? We were both really happy to spend time with you and get reacquainted. hope you're well.
love, mark