Saturday, October 6, 2007

HSB Friday

My Home For The Weekend

Buddy Miller

T-Bone Burnett

T-Bone, Mellencamp & Neko Case


heliotrope said...

Mat...earlier today a friend called from golden gate park...his band "The Mother Hips" had just played. So he had just finished talking with Jack Casady and, knowing Jack is my hero, he gave me a call. I said, "Oh my friend Mat's there." Hope you saw Jack!

What's up with this non specific sad event thing Dennis mentioned in regards to you or yours? A friend having trouble? I hope not.

Anyway, our world continues it's peculiar and personal experiment in devolution. I got hammered by Jules parents for everything under the's all my fault! Duh! Jules is sick coughing up a storm...freaks me out. I spent all night parsing the semantics of the write up her boss put into her personal record...swine! He's really quite good at using language to set-up Jules and then destroy her. But they are half-truths taken out of context and stated in such a way as to make her seem a bumbling idiot...instead of one of the highest paid people we know doing graphics production in LA. Swine!

So I've been helping formulate a response...first line of attack...go after the subjective nature of the semantics used...i.e. he uses the word "defensive" in regards to Jules 5 times..."counseled" in regards to himself 4 times...hummm...let's see she's pathalogically defensive for no good reason and he...well he's reasonable. Swine!

It looks pretty air-tight to me though based on the language he uses...he's smart in this regard...I guess that's why he's a nazi! Whatever, enough of that.

I hope you're well...this coming week promises to be a sucky one...and it hasn't even started. But I will "continue to continue" as Simon & Garfunkel said. I'll send you an email in the next week via your blog if that's ok...that way you'll have my email address should you be desirous.

xxoo, M

Mat said...


I saw Mother Hips,in fact it was my favorite of yesterday(Sunday). We need to exchange phone numbers, (so that I can get stage passes). No really we should stay a little closer in contact. This 3day concertt is a must for attendance. I'll be posting pictures here in the next day or two. Your friend might like to see some of them.

Yes, Nikita has been having some troubles that landed her in a ward for 72 hours. I believe that she'll be ok.

heliotrope said...

Mat...I'm really sorry to hear about Nikita...I'll exercise a little positive vibrations in her general direction (or exorcise the negatives if necessary).

I'm really glad to hear you liked the Hips...what I like of their stuff I really like...the other stuff...well I have to be in the mood. But my friend, the drummer, is one of the nicest people I know. I met him long ago when I was playing music. When The Hips are on live...they can really sing and play.

I hope all is well with you.